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actor: Yoshiaki Umegaki. country: Japan. . 92Minute. Directed by: Shôgo Furuya. Tôkyô goddofâzâzu is a movie starring Tôru Emori, Yoshiaki Umegaki, and Aya Okamoto. On Christmas Eve, three homeless people living on the streets of Tokyo find a newborn baby among the trash and set out to find its parents.
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Director Satoshi Kon took his inspiration, and part of his title, from Jon Ford's western 3 Godfathers (1948) in which three rough and ready outlaws find themselves caring for a baby. At heart it's a Christmas card to Tokyo, and expression of good will and a reminder to spread a little kindness in a world that is increasingly cold and intolerant. The film mixes comedy, drama, pathos and action. There are, of course, Christmas references galore. There are also references to a Tokyo many anime fans may find as incredible as Santa Claus. Kon reminds us this is no fairyland, but a real, living city with 21st century problems that no robot army can solve - shanty towns, tramps scavenging in graveyards, predatory teenagers beating up old men, and illegal immigrants scraping a living in the black economy. Above all else, though, there's a happy ending, without which no Christmas film could possibly be a Christmas film. It comes, not from any flashy bit of magic, but from the everyday miracles in the hearts of ordinary people whose humanity redeems their failings. Kon captures the beguiling neon glow of Tokyo in the film's many night scenes, turning the city into a magical setting for a tale of Christmas miracles.
On connected tv 4K Oi nonoi tou.
On connected tv 4k oi noni tou tokyo 2017.
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